By alien I mean to say the extraterrestrials.They can contact with us easily. They contact also with us but we can’t feel it.
In Bengali scripture there is a song in which a line is “ke gorilo emon ghor?chouddo bhubon tar bhitor” which means who has created the cosmos where 14 earth like rooms are there? Besides our earth there are many planets where life is possible.In every living planet,life is of different format.Life beside the planet earth is called alien life.
Type 3 format alien life is very developed life.In this format of life,an alien can transform its format into another format of life.Coming into earth if they change there format into the format of earth life in its self-desire then we will be able to see them but they know that we are not qualified to see them.So,they contact with us in their format.So,we do not feel their existance.
Our life format on earth is of 0.7 type only.We can’t imagine the change of format of life.our life is based on food in which solar energy is stored up.In the type 3 format,life may be based on light or fire or space or water or any other we don’t know or anyone of the mentioned at a time or all together.
We see occasionally the advent of UFO and the disappearing of it in the blink of an eye.The UFO’s may be the vehicles of the aliens.They want to show there vehicles but do not want to show themselves to the earthly beings.That means it is not that they do not observe us,they observe us in details for their own purposes or their objectives unknown to us.
Earthly people have created the vehicles but they are trivial with respect to the speed of UFO’s. They use warp driving as the medium of inter universe travelling.They travel to come to earth, may be that they want to accelerate the change of format of life in earth for the purpose of the task given by god to them.The aliens with life format 2 sometimes use the earth as correctional room for the victims of their own places due to the present bad format of life of earth.
In another view, thousands of aliens with life format 1 are travelling through the whole cosmos just as many people of earth travel from one country to another or to the space.So, sometimes they may come to earth for their travelling purposes.For this reason, the earthly people of different parts see UFOs frequently from various parts of the world.
Untill the format of life of the earth is transferred from 0.7 format to the life format 2 the souls will come to earth through wormhole to the earth and enter into the readymade structure of human beings or earthly other beings and after death those souls will enter another universes through another wormholes.So,after many many years, when the life format type of earthly life will reach at least the life format type 2, human beings will be able to contact with the aliens.