Once upon a time in the space there was a very big planet which orbited around a very large star named Al.Sr.432. The name of the planet was Al.Pl.7 . In that planet there lived a group of aliens who had many superpowers. They could create and destroy any planet using their powerful and unique computers. In this way they created many planets in their galaxy. After making many planets in their galaxy they wanted to make other planets in other galaxies. For this purpose they selected the Milkyway galaxy.
After Selecting the Milkyway galaxy they visited our Milkyway galaxy using their unique and powerful warp driving vehicles and made a map of our Milkyway galaxy and returned to their planet. After reaching their planet they started the making of the planets in Milkyway galaxy using their unique and powerful computers. After 3 days they were successful to build the planets in Milkyway galaxy. At first they created 5 planets and after that they created other 3 planets. They arranged the planets distancewise. In that 8 planets, 4 are small and other 4 are very big.
After making and arranging all the planets they started to create life in those planets. At first they made a life creating computer language in their computer, like the app creating language Python in our earth. They spent a lot of time to create the life creating computer language. They spent 2 years on that language. After 2 years with a lot of effort they succeded to built the life creating computer language on their computer. They fixed a special name to the life creating language i.e. Al.Thon.D100.
They created lives in many planets of the Milkyway galaxy with the help of the life creating computer language Al.Thon.D100. At first they created life in saturn and Mars. In saturn there lived a group of scientist and in mars there lived simple people who knows warp driving and could travel in their galaxy.
In mars and saturn the living persons were very happy. They traveled in their galaxie and planets.
After many years of living hapily they created life in earth (If you want to know how life was created in earth visit: ) for their special need.
----- Its a science fiction.