The super scientist is playing, has played and will be playing. The tools of his play are super computers and other scientific super apparatuses. We are in the simulation of his computer. In Egyptian, Sumerian, Mayan, Indus Valley etc. civilizations, people were in the simulation of his computer. When people i. e. the special elements of his play are able to understand the rules of his play, he switches the simulation of his super computer off. He has switched off endless times in our universe and other universes. He switched off in Egyptian, Sumerian, Mayan etc. various civilizations.
Then are we doing everything according to his instructions ?Is the worth of blood is nothing?
His play.... electron, proton, neutron....cell, tissue, organ, blood.... in our Earth....... others in other planets or galaxy or universe. One day switch-off will be done in our civilization also when we will be able to make out the rules of his play in far future.
In Arian civilization, it is said "sohom(সোহম)/sa aham(স অহম) i.e. I am that/I'm the God".
But is it right? Can an element be equal to the creator of it? It can't be but each element has the power to be equal to its creator. And so, when the people of a civilization reach the extreme point of knowledge, wisdom, science and technology, the greatest simulator of the greatest super computer switches off the simulation and the civilization is destroyed.
So, we are unable to be equal to God, the super scientist.
When a human being creates a new thing, other human beings are able to know his purpose of creating the thing easily or with a great effort but the scientists of a civilization cannot be able to know the super scientist's purpose of creating of human or other creatures of the Earth.
It may be that there's way. That way may not be the direct way. That way may work indirectly. Every man is a specific element in the manifestation of the super scientist, the divine being. So, he has every possibility to manifest himself completely in the light of divine light. Some says the way is meditation in this connection.
But, through meditation, the obtained wisdom, either self realization or the realization of the purpose of creation is narrow and limited within an individual, it cannot be divided among all of the civilization. If the purpose and objectives are open secrets, the people of a civilization may always be with the super scientist, the creator, with aesthetic pleasure instead of anguish, suffering and sorrow.
The purpose of creation has been unknown "for Endless Time"(Ananta Kal dhore).
Why is this creation?
Was the Big Bang happened? If yes, due to what?
Actually, anything may be. May be according to the super scientist---- anguish, trouble, suffering, sorrow, color, pleasure..... all are Earthly sensation.
May be in far far far......and far future in his own will he will manifest himself one day among his creatures.
"The mind of God is all the mentality that is scattered over space and time, the diffused consciousness that animates the world."