TWO GODS

Anunaki god asked andromeda god,"have you any garden? I have two beautiful garden, one is eaden and the other is the earth where are many beautiful flowers but there the most beautiful flowers are the human beings!"
The Andromeda God said that,"actually I am the goddess Athena, according to my promise I made a garden in my galaxi so that the princess Andromeda who lived in your garden, Earth, once, and who was the daughter of King Cepheus and queen Cassiopiya, can stay in it. Since then, Andromeda,her husband Perseus and their seven sons and two daughters have been living in my garden here peacefully. The name of my garden is Delphi. I have another garden also here. These are acropolis, Corinth etc. But I love Delphi the best. 
Anunnaki God:I, Anu, the supreme God of Nibiru planet, sent my children, Anunnakies, to Mesopotamia of Earth. My all children were astronauts. They were Enki, Enlil, Ninhursag, Ereshkigal, Utu, Dumuzi, Hadad, Gula, Damu, Ninshubur, Ninsun, Bau, Nergal and Gibil.They went to Earth because I sent them according to our great God's advice given to me to make Earth a beautiful garden like our great God's garden, Eden so that the Earth may be suitable for living of a new being, human beings developed by our genetic engineer in our great God's wishes.

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