ABOUT ALL THE NATURAL SATELLITES IN OUR                                                SOLAR SYSTEM                                          

In this post I am going to talk about all the natural satellites in our big and wide solar system. There are many satellites in our big solar system and our earth has one.

Here are the name and information of the satellites in our solar system----

Earth's satellite----

Moon : Moon is a natural satellite, which is orbiting our Earth. It is the 5th-largest satellite in our solar system. The radius of moon is 1737 Km. The surface area of the moon is about 3.79 x 10^7 Km^2.

Mars's satellites----

Deimos : Deimos is a satellite of our neighbour planet Mars. The radius of deimos is 6.2 Km. The gravity of Deimos is about 0.003m/s^2.

Phobos : Phobos is a natural satellite of Mars. The radius of phobos is about 11.26 Km. The surface are of phobos is about 1548.3 Km^2. Phobos is larger than Deimos(the other satellite of Mars). 0.0057 m/s^2 is the gravity of Phobos.

Jupiter's Satellites---- (Jupiter has many satellites but here are top 5)

Europa : Europa is the sixth-largest satellite in our beautiful solar system. The gravity of Europa is about 1.315 m/s^2. The radius of Europa is about 1560 Km. Europa is 628.3 million km away from our Earth. The rotation period of Europa is synchronous.

IO : IO is the tird-largest moon of the big planet Jupiter. Its orbital period is 42 hours. Its radius is about 1821 Km. The surface area of IO is about 4191 x 10^4 Km^2. It is 628.3 million Km away from our beautiful planet Earth.

Ganymede : Ganymede is the largest and most massive natural satellite in our big solar system. Its radius is about 2634 Km. Its gravity is about 1.428 m/s^2.  Its orbital period is 172 hours. Ganymede's surface area is 0.171 times bigger than our Earth.

Callisto : Callisto is a natural satellite. It is also called Jupiter IV. Callisto is the second-largest moon of jupiter. Its gravity is 1.236 m/s^2. Its radius is about 2410 Km. Its orbital period is 17 days. Its rotation period is synchronous.

Amalthea : It is very small moon of Jupiter. Its raius is about 83.5 Km. Its orbital period is about 12 hours. 0.02 m/s^2 is the gravity of amalthea .

Saturn's satellites---- (saturn has many satellites but here are topt 5)

Titan : Titan is the largest moon of saturn. Its radius is about 2574.4 Km. Its gravity is about 1.352 m/s^2. Its surface area is about 8.3 x 10^7 Km^2. The temperature of Titan is 93.7 K.

Enceladus : Enceladus is the sixth-largest mon of Saturn. It is about 500 Km in Diameter. The radius of Enceladus is 252.1 Km. Enceladus is 1.272 billion km away from our home planet earth. Its orbital period is 33 hours.

Mimas : Mimas is also called Saturn I. It was discovered in 1789. It was discovered by william herchel. Its diameter is about 396 Km. The radius of Mimas is 198.2 Km. Its orbital period is 23 hours.

Lapetus : Lapetus is the third-largest natural satellite of Saturn. Its radius is 734.5 Km. Its orbital period is about 79 days. The gravity of lapetus is about 0.22 m/s^2. The surface are of lapetus is 6700000 Km^2.

Pandora : Pandora is also a natural satellite of saturn. Its radius is about 41 Km. Its orbital period is about 15 hours. It was discovered in 1980. Its density is 490 Kg/m^3.

Satellite of Uranus----(Uranus has many satellites but here are top 5)

Titania : Titania's diameter is about 1578 kilometers. Titania is also designated as Uranus III. The radius of titania is about 788 Km. It is 2.723 billion Km away from our beautiful and our home planet Earth. It was discovered in 1787. Its orbital period is 209 hours.

Miranda : It is 2.723 billion Km away from our beautiful and our home planet Earth. Its radius is about 235 Km and orbital period is 34 hours. Its surface area is 7 x 10^5 Km^2.

Umbriel : Umbriel was discovered in 1851. Its radius is 584.7 Km. Its orbital period is about 99 hours.

Ferdinand : It was discovered in 2001. Its gravity is about 0.004 m/s^2. Its density is 1.5g per cubic centimeter. Its orbital period is about 2887 days.

Ariel : Ariel's radius is 578.9 Km. The orbital period of ariel is 60 hours. It was discovered in 1851. The gravity of ariel is about 0.27 m/s^2. Ariel was discoevered by William Lassell.

Satellite of Neptune----(Neptune has many moons but here are top 5)

Triton : Triton is biggest and largest natural satellite of Neptune. It was discovered by William Lassell. It was discovered in 1846. 1353.4 Km is the radius of the natural satellite triron. The orbital period of triton is 141 hours. 0.78 m/s^2 is the gravity of triton.

Hippocamp : Hippocamp is a nural satellite of neptune. It is also known as S/2004N 1. It is a small natural satellite of the planet Neptune. It is very small, its diameter is about 35 Km. It was discovered on 2013. Hippocamp's radius is 9 Km. Its orbital period is 22 hours.

Galatea : Its radius is about 87 Km. It is also known as Neptune IV. Its orbital period is 10 hours.

Proteus : Its radius is 210 and orbital period is 27 hours and it is also known as Neptune VIII. It was discovered in 1989.

Neso : Its orbital period is 27 years, a huge time. It was discovered in 2002. Its radius is 30 Km. It is also known as Neptune XIII.

Pluto moons----

Charon : Charon's radius is about 606 Km. Its orbital period is 153 hours. It was discovered in 1978.

Hydra : It was discovered in 2005. Its orbital period is 38 days. Its diameter is about 51 Km.

Nix : Its diameter is about 49 Km. It was discovered in 2005. Its orbital period is 25 days.

Kerberos : Kerberos is a very small natural satellite of Pluto. Its orbital period is 32 days.

Styx : Styx is also a small stallite of Pluto. It was discovered in 2012. Its orbital period is about 20 days. 

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