THE EPIC MAHABHARATA IN MY EYES.               

The cosmos may be a portal and the omniscient God is controlling the portal remaining within it. He says in Mahabharata, " I am in this cosmos for endless time. I am the very cosmos, the cosmos is the very I. I have transformed myself many many many many......... ♾️ times. This time, I have been divided into three friends, Brahma, Bishnu and Maheshwar."

Bishnu then created a divine soul from His soul. He wrote a script of a story which would be staged on the dais of Earth to maintain the time-cycle of earthly civilization. Then He sent His that divine soul to take birth in Earth and to verify the earthly drama(LEELA) of the script of His story.

The divine soul took birth as Krishna, the Earthly God. He is a man but has the power of Bishnu and has direct help of Brahma and Maheshwar.

Krishna took birth in the jail made by his maternal uncle, Kongso, the king of Mothura because Kongso imprisoned his sister/Krishna's mother, Deboki and his sister's husband/Krishna's father, Bosudev. With the birth of Krishna, the script of the story of Bishnu started. Krishna tried throughout his life to change the tyrants and gave the tyrants chances to be changed but they couldn't be changed and they behaved according to the script of the story of Bishnu or Krishna-Leela and so, Krishna told his friend or his inner- energy-symbol or Leela-sangini, Radha, "he can't change the unseen divine instructions i.e. the script of story of Bishnu.

Otherwise he could do all according to the demand of the then pious men like Yudhishtir, Arjun, BHIM, Nokul, Sahadev etc. Actually, he couldn't spoil Bishnu's Pure Play i.e Leela. Besides, he couldn't break the Time-cycle or the Age/Era-cycle.

Bishnu's part, the Lord Krishna, was involved in Bishnu's Leela completely. So, Bishnu's Leela is called Krishna-Leela.

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