Do Aliens Really Exist?


                                   DO ALIENS REALLY EXIST ?

Our universe is created by bigbang. Other universes has also been created by bigbang. If an universe is created before our universe and if planets of that universe is created before our planet then there must be probablity of having more intelligent and developed entities than human beings. So, the more developed entities i.e. extratrestrials or aliens may exist in our cosmos.

There are many hypothetical proofs in our present situation that aliens and their vehicles like UFOs exist. In multiverse theorem, the existance of aliens is possible. In Anunaki theorem aliens may exist. In reptilian theory, aliens may exist So, aliens exist.

According to many pilots' personal observation, aliens are real because they witnessed UFOs and the aliens who were coming from the UFOs. UFOs have been seen to land on california coast and on other parts of the world. Some local people of many places where UFOs landed, were abducted and after abduction they stored some feelings in their memory and later on, they shared their experience about aliens with other persons. In our universe, the night sky above our head is so mysterious. If one observes the night sky everyday for hours, one must see the mysterious terestrial bodies. I have my personal  experiences about my night sky observation. Those were the nights of 2006. In our whole area, the panic with light-ghost spread.

The day was probably 20th or 21st or 22nd April of 2006. At night it was very hot. No wind was blowing. Everybody of our area was feeling very hot. Inspite of that nobody was outside the room in fear of light-ghost. At  09.00 p.m, all of my family members finished their supper. I also completed my supper. All of my family members were in the rooms. only I was outside my room because I was going to the toilet. In front of the toilet I saw that a absurd creature with doll-like shape was standing on the veranda. "Absured", in the sense that it had large black eyes, short hands and legs, no cloth on the body and large head. due to the panic of light-ghost, at that moment I thought that it was the light-ghost. At once I screamed loudly closing my eyes and after a moment I opened my eyes and I saw that the creature was vanished. On hearing my cry, all the family members of our house and other houses rust to me. They wanted to know what happend. I told them  the cause of my screaming loudly. On hearing my description, they remarked that it was the light-ghost. I was then in tender age. So, I was agreed with them. But now I have understood that it was the alien.

In those hot summer April days of 2006 many people in our area saw, in different dry and lonely meadows, huge light very often. Now I know that those lights were the lights of UFOs. In those nights, many persons of our area met alien with face to face and the alien(light-ghost) scrached them with its nails and those persons lost sense and they were hospitalized but the light-ghosts were vanished.

The other night of May in 2015, I was lying on my bed of a room of two storey of our building. The sky was being seen through the open window from my bed. I was looking the sky through the window. It was a Newmoon night. So, there was no chance of seeing the moon on the sky. At 10.00 p.m. I was continuing my sky watching through the open window. Suddenly, I saw two moons side by side on the sky and after that I entered into the world of sleep because I was very tired then and I did not took the matter seriously. On the next day, when I remembered that matter I was surprised and I told it to the other members of my family. They wiped out the matter as my dream but I was confirmed that those two moons were two UFOs.

In 2018, in one evening we saw from our veranda in the sky that two triangular shaped UFOs were crossing the sky on the eastern sky from north to south.
With respect to the incidents mentioned above, I can make a decision that aliens exist.

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